
I've started reading a devotional every day, written by Ann Voskamp.  I thought that I was buying the book pictured below, but instead I picked up the daily devotional version.  I had heard a lot about this book, so I was eager to get a copy, but in my haste I just grabbed the first book I saw with the title, not realizing that it came in a few versions. (I am still very interested in buying the full book version)


Can I just say, everything about this book is lovely!  It is rare for me to read a book, especially a devotion, where I literally want to hang on every word.  She waxes poetic while shepherding us towards Christ.  Not only is she leading us into a posture of thankfulness, but she does it in a way so beautiful that you can't help but desire just one more page read today.

Today I will read devotion 13.  With only 12 "lessons" under my belt, I can already feel myself changed.  I look for God in all of my day, excited to see how I can give Him thanks.  I am learning to live in a posture of thankfulness.

This morning already I have seen the beauty in shoveling 8 inches of heavy snow, in the monster of a snowblower that must be at least 30 years old that we got for free on the side of the road, in the peach and gray sky as the sun made its way above the mountain, and in my son's very cute red button nose.  

Even as I type this I keep having to backspace and correct any word that contains the letter "n" because that key is sticky...I find myself being thankful it is the only one that doesn't work properly.  A few weeks ago I was cursing that letter, now instead I'm thankful for all the rest.

Friends, in the past 3 days we have received incredible financial donations towards our adoption.  I am so humbled and thankful for all the support we are receiving.  I can not help but hear the words of James when he says that "every good and perfect gift comes from above."  

Ann talks about "ugly grace" in her book.  Ugly grace is sort of like being able to see the beauty in ugly things--like our free and working beast of a snowblower.  Instead of seeing how heavy and outdated it is, how it is less efficient than a newer one would be, I see a working piece of equipment that cost us nothing and saves us time.  I can't help but wonder at those words in many good and perfect gifts have I missed out on because I was too stuck seeing things as "ugly."   Oh that we would have the grace to find the beauty in all of our day, in the beautiful and the ugly alike.


Anonymous said…
I love that book

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