Lynn Canyon Park

Remember the post about the beach? About how hard it is to do things now that we have a youngin'? Well, we thought we'd give it another go....GONG!!!! Yup, that's right, it was a complete gong show. Someone should have pulled us out of the park with that big hook they use to yank people off stage.

First of all, it is incredibly difficult to keep a 4 month old out of the sun when there is not a cloud in the sky. You aren't allowed to use sunscreen yet (and really, who wants to put chemicals on a baby's skin anyways), there is no such thing as "shady lane," and long sleeves and pants aren't an option unless we're trying to overheat the kid. So, we did the best we could, but found that we were all grumpy at different stages of our expedition.

Once we got to the river's edge there were about 45 minutes that were relatively nice. At least we got some good pictures!!

Hey look Aunt Julie and Uncle Jason, I'm in the cool backpack you gave me!

Korban saying, "don't even think of taking my sophie away mom!"
(sophie's the giraffe's name)


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