Round 8: The Big Finish
You guys...I did it! Chemotherapy is done. Round 8, knocked it down.
Praise the Lord for his mercy through this as I stayed the course. He is good in every season of life!
Final chemo day selfie!
I rang the bell today. It was surprisingly cathartic. Even though all the other patients had gone and the crowd was three, plus me, it was so good. It felt right to ring that bell, ushering in the next phase.
Ringing the bell with Jason.
You know what else felt fitting for today? In our Psalm-a-Day reading time, today was Psalm 119. It is the longest chapter in the Bible. And it fell on today. Somehow that seems significant to me. God has just seen me through the most physically and emotionally difficult thing of my life, and on the last day, I read the longest Psalm. A great bookend to these 4 months of difficulty...a chapter packed full of praise and mercies from the Lord.
My gift of thanks to the chemo lounge. I hope it encourages others on their way!
I know that this race I'm running (thanks Darlene for the great analogy) is far from over. There is 6 weeks of radiation, tri-weekly injections, hormone therapy, and surgery (whew, seems like a big list when I actually write it out!!) yet to finish. Through all of those things yet to come, I know God's love will continue to be my guide and strength.
I really, really, can just not stop giving thanks. Oh how the steadfast love of Christ carries us though the deepest of waters.
Tonight, I pray you would know how deep and wide and far He loves you too.