Money Matters
Yesterday was our big fundraising garage sale. It was an incredible success! First, can I just comment on the weather? It is spring...May...and the sun shone brightly! It could have just as easily been pouring all day. So thankful for the sunshine! I've even got the burn to prove it (I did not do a good job of caring for my skin yesterday).
We had an entire 6ft x 10ft trailer full of garage sale goods that I hauled in at 6 in the morning. Since the sale wasn't at my house, I priced most of it at home, then got up super early to bring it all over. Of course we had looky-loos who arrived at 7, quipped how little we had, and then left. Well, the garage sale wasn't supposed to start until 8 and at that time we had TONS of stuff out!
The morning was busy right from the start! We had zero downtime until about noon. The kids were selling lemonade (they made about 12 dollars for the fund! So stinking sweet!) and the cars of people (pedestrians and bikers too!) just kept coming.
You can't really see it (through all those rays of sun) but I'm doing a striking a pose.
I am so thankful that Peggy (Jason's mom) was able to come up and help take care of the boys this weekend. Since Jason is gone at a conference, it would have been super stressful (like I mentioned in this post) to have done it solo. I am also super thankful for our friends, the Wiens family, because they accepted donations, priced them, and then let us use their lawn, along with lots of other help yesterday! Of course, I can't forget to thank the dozen or so families who donated things, and the countless Kootenay families who came to the sale!
After the day was over we enjoyed some strawberries, at a great supper, and (of course) counted to see how much we had gathered on the day.
Now, to the title of this post: Money Matters. I think I may have talked some about this in the past, but feel I should clarify again. The reason I talk about money so much in relation to our adoption is not so I can boast. I have done so very little that would bring in money. Instead, it is to show you that God will do what he has called you to. We heard very clearly from God that we were to take this path. We knew going into it that we couldn't afford it, and yet He asked us to do it. The money has been coming in like crazy these past few weeks and I believe we'll have just what we need when it is due in about 6 weeks.
Some of you may have wondered why I tell the exact amount of money coming in. Well, again, not to boast, but rather that we can have complete transparency in this. So many of you have donated out of your own money-money that you earned with hard work, that could have bought you whatever you wanted or needed. We do not take that for granted. I tell you exactly how much we've made, and how much is due, so that you can see from where the money has come and to where it is going. I hope that our honesty in all of this, with regards to money particularly, will show you that Jason and I aren't going on vacation with your donations! We aren't eating fancy dinners in expensive restaurants or even hiring someone to put in our sprinkler system (but oh how I wish we would)...when we hold an event and claim that every cent of the money earned goes to the fund, IT DOES! The same applies for the donations received.
Anyways, I just wanted to clarify all of that. It feels a little funny sometimes to announce that we've just made over a thousand dollars, or even a couple hundred. People all handle money and talk about money in different ways. I respect that. For us, in this crazy adoption adventure we're on, honesty and integrity is so important to us that we want you to know those types of details.
With that said, here's the big picture: when we start STAGE 2 of the process around July 1 we will owe at least $5,000. When I chatted with the lady on the phone, she indicated that it would be closer to 7k. As of yesterday, we have made (since January 14) $6500.61. $450 of that we've already had to spend on our social worker fees because of unexpected travel costs for her. So, have we made our goal? I'm not exactly sure, but it sure does feel like it! Praise God for all he has done in the past several months! I never would have guessed that since we made our announcement on December 12 that we would have raised nearly ten thousand dollars.
Ok, enough money talk already! Let's go out and enjoy the sunshine. (sorry for those of you who are still experiencing winter-like conditions...move to BC, it is lovely here!)