Birthday boy...
Four sweet years ago today my boy was born. I can hardly believe he is so grown up already...writing his name, speaking in triple-syllable words, and wearing pants made for kids 2 years his senior. Where, oh where, have these 4 years gone?
Our wonderful moms/grammas came up to celebrate!
"Oooh, playmobile!"
"Look, a new mario shirt!"
My boy, 4 years old...
Now he's ready to play with daddy. Playmobile has so many (really, TOO many) little tiny parts, but it allows for such creative play.
What a sweet smile!
My boy is kind, loving, handsome, smart, and everything else a mom could hope for. I'm not bragging here, just feeling overwhelmed with love for this little man. When we named him Korban, we certainly meant it...Gift to God. I never could have imagined he'd be such a gift to us too!